
Referendum on recognising local government?

A parliamentary committee recommended a referendum on the recognition of local government at the same time as the next federal election.

"But Coalition MPs and Senators issued a dissenting report, saying there was too little time to prepare for a referendum, and the risk of failure was too high."

Well, BloggerMe: State boundaries - leftovers from a by-gone era

The BloggerMe map addresses the fundamental problem of the States: that they are out of date, and were virtually out of date at the moment of federation, 1901.

Let me explain:

Political boundaries

The boundaries of the States are purely political; they answer no other question than the impossibility in the period from 1788 to 1900 for a governor to take responsibility for all of the colonies on behalf of the Crown.

Uluru Central State - huge & tiny?

When you look at the map of Australia on the Home page the first thing you notice is how huge one particular State is, as compared to every other State. The Uluru Central state is massive. This is because the desert of Australia takes up more than 20% of the land mass. But it is correct to view this massive area as a single domain.

The FOWTOR Model - don't laugh, I'm serious!

What's with the Twitter feeds?

Social media is a very powerful construct. When you go on to Twitter, for example, you can construct any 'virtual world' that you fancy, and you can live in that world for as little or as long as you want. And you find that in that particular world that you construct, there are many other players already playing in that world, some heavily there, whilst there are others, also important, who drop in occasionally, and have their little say, or keep an eye on what you are up to, and add value at key moments.

Super-state? What's that?

The 'Super-State' is a permanent grouping of States introduced into the Senate where more than one State needs to act in concert, for proper governance or for real changes to occur. This could arise because of the need to recognise a 'place' or an 'issue' important to the future of Australia.

Note: There are State issues or places as important (or maybe even more important) as the issues and places recognised by the establishment of these 'Super-States', but, because they can be handled by one State alone, do not require Super-State recognition.

Why did you call it BloggerMe?

Australians understand why we have called the site "Blogger Me!"

We have been told since federation that the Australian constitution can never be changed because of the power of the States in the modification of the constitution. We have been told since federation that a change to the constitution, that needs bi-partisan support and a majority in every State, needs to be minimalist or it just won't get passed.


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