
De-centralise government - how difficult could that be?

Recent discussions on the inability of the Australian governments to address climate emergency, bushfire calamity and the death of river systems are throwing up useful concepts that need to be taken seriously at all levels of nationhood, federal, state, local and traditional.

Abandonment or emulation?

Here's a couple that get things going:

Constitutional change? Regional assemblies or parliament?

A recent address by the first Aboriginal minister for Aboriginal Australians to the National Press Club on possibly finding "common ground" for constutional reform was momentus. It got a lot of people thinking about new ideas, for the first time.

The following notes of "possible constitutional change" attempt to raise ideas & assist in the possibilities of broader debate, not to influence the outcome.

It is prepared in response to:

On reducing National Electricity Market prices


The Commonwealth, through the ACCC, have highlighted the fact that (a) greater consumer power and (b) lower marginal cost of supply are two ways of reducing electricity costs to consumers. I'm proposing that (c) consumer trading in electricity is an enabler for greater competition in both the electricity supply markets and the electricity retail markets.

Citizen Decision Making Bodies for FOWTOR regions?

This is a proposal for community decision making bodies based on FOWTOR regions. One could argue that the current division of Australia into states and territories was really an accident of history, and is not an ideal division of authority. The recent problems with water flows down the Murray, and the difficulty of getting state agreements on water use, highlights at least one problem with the current state/territory divisions.

What I am proposing is 'citizen parliaments' for each FOWTOR region.  


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