Matthew Mitchell's blog

Citizen Decision Making Bodies for FOWTOR regions?

This is a proposal for community decision making bodies based on FOWTOR regions. One could argue that the current division of Australia into states and territories was really an accident of history, and is not an ideal division of authority. The recent problems with water flows down the Murray, and the difficulty of getting state agreements on water use, highlights at least one problem with the current state/territory divisions.

What I am proposing is 'citizen parliaments' for each FOWTOR region.  

March In May: More Evidence that The Time is Right for a New Constitution for Australia

Lack of democracy - the community is being ignored

People are getting fed up with our lack of democracy particularly when concerns of the community are ignored whilst decisions are made in favour of remote ‘investors’ – at the expense of everyday Australians.

The Need for a New Constitution

There are several reasons why we may need a new constitution.  One is to overcome the problems of Governments signing away sovereign rights through treaties - for example through Investor-State Dispute Settlement systems such as in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) or the Australia-Korea FTA.

This is an issue I discuss here: The TPP, Treaties and the Constitution.

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