The 32 States of Australia are:
- Boonah
- Borroloola
- Cape Howe
- Capricorn
- Carpentaria
- New England
- Charters
- Cook
- East Arnhem
- Eungella
- Fitzroy Crossing
- Casino
- Keer-Weer
- Kwinana
- Marapikurrinya
- Mareeba
- Mataranka
- Meekatharra
- Menindee
- Murujuga
- Narrabeen
- Nyabing
- Portland
- Sandy Cove
- Sandy Hollow
- SE Cape
- Ulladurra
- Uluru Central
- Van Dieman
- Wonthaggi
- Wurung
- Wyndham
The five Sub-States are:
- Darling River Sub-State (S1)
- MIA Sub-State (S2)
- Snowy Mountains Sub-State (S3)
- Murray River Sub-State (S4)
- Murray-Darling Basin Foreshore Sub-State (S5)
The 'Super-States' introduced here are:
- All States - 32 States
- Great Barrier Reef - A, AG, AF, AE
- Antarctica - Q, W
- Pilbara - M, L, R
- Kimberley - J, K
- Arnhem Land - F, G, H
- Gulf of Carpentaria - B, C, D, E, F, G
- Cape York Peninsula - A, B
There are 'other things' as important as the issues implied by the recognition of these 'Super-States', but because they can be handled by one State alone, do not require Super-State recognition. The Super-State is where more than one State needs to act in concert, for real changes to occur.
There are important Super-State requirements not mentioned here, because the arrangement will need to be worked out. Fishing, for instance, may result in a number of Super-States, depending on the need for various States to act in concert, to protect the maritime environments around Australia. Zones may overlap; so a State may be involved in more than one Super-State, on a particular issue.
An issue that affects all Australians, such as foreign policy, defence, border protection, is usually a Federal Government issue, but not always. The Super-State 'All States' is where there is clearly a 'State' issue but it applies to all States, or requires all States to act in concert for the plan to proceed. A good example is fishing; fishing is obviously, and needs to be, State-based1 but all States need to act in concert in relation to protection of the border from poaching from international waters.
Special Super-State Senators elected by voters in 'All States' are State-based, not Federal, positions.
Water Basin Authorities
Water in Australia is to be regulated by 32 Basin Authorities:
- ABCDEF Basin Authority
- Alligator Basin Authority (ABA)
- Bega Snowy Basin Authority (BSBA)
- Belyando Basin Authority (BBA)
- Brisbane Bremer Basin Authority (BBBA)
- Clarence Basin Authority (CBA)
- Derwent Basin Authority (DBA)
- Endeavour Basin Authority (EBA)
- Fitzroy Fraser Basin Authority (FFRA)
- Gascoyne Basin Authority (GBA)
- Haven Minnamurra Basin Authority (HMBA)
- Hawkesbury Nepean Basin Authority (HNBA)
- Herbert Basin Authority (HBA)
- Hunter Valley Basin Authority (HVBA)
- Kalgan Basin Authority (KBA)
- Keer-Weer Basin Authority (KWBA)
- Leichhardt Albert Basin Authority (LABA)
- Lyons Basin Authority (LBA)
- Manning McLeay Basin Authority (MMBA)
- Mersey Basin Authority (MBA)
- MIBM Basin Authority
- Murray Darling Basin Authority (MDBA)
- Norman Flinders Basin Authority (NFBA)
- Pioneer Basin Authority (PBA)
- Robinson McArthur Basin Authority (RMBA)
- Roper Edith Basin Authority (REBA)
- Sandover Eyre Basin Authority (SEBA)
- Swan Margaret Basin Authority (SMBA)
- Tamar Esk Meander Basin Authority (TEMBA)
- Victoria Ord Basin Authority (VOBA)
- Yarra Barwon Basin Authority (YBBA)
- Yule Shaw Basin Authority (YSBA)