Well, Blogger Me!

Australians understand why we have called the site "Blogger Me!"

We have been told since federation that the Australian constitution can never be changed because of the power of the States in the modification of the constitution. We have been told since federation that a change to the constitution, that needs bi-partisan support and a majority in every State, needs to be minimalist or it just won't get passed.

Well, we just don't cop it! We were told also for more than a century that Australian law was always going to be subject to final control by the British parliament because of the power of the States to finally appeal to the Privy Council, and look what happened there! See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australia_Act_1986

Truth is, change is possible. Anything is possible with the future in mind, and honourable intent!

This plan doesnt require much of a change to the constitution, just a change to number, and intent.

What, you mean I don't have to put up with this shit any more? Well, Blogger Me!






