Revolutionary change?


What you are proposing is a revolutionary change, and it will take nothing less than revolution to implement it, or anything like it. You will have all of the PS and all but the most looney of our elected representatives opposed to it for the most understandable reason of holding on to their cushy jobs.

How can it happen?

The only way I see a revolutionary change in the bad joke that we call democracy these days is to radically change the structure of expression and representation. We now have an average of something like 70,000 Australians 'represented' by each Federal MP; around the same for NSW State MPs; and higher ratios for the upper houses. No humans can know 70,000 people to represent their true wants and needs - what happens instead is that the desires of the party in power is substituted for the vacuum of information of real voter wants caused by the bottleneck in communications between so-called representative and voter.

What I believe would be workable would be a local representative elected as required by small groups of - say - 500 voters. This person (perhaps stipendiary, but not employed) would be responsible for polling his group on issues as they arise, and passing the collective sentiment along the the next level, which would be a council of full-time area representatives each jointly appointed and replaced as required by 25 local representatives; thus, each area rep stands for 12,500 voters. Groups of higher level regional representatives - appointed by varying groupings of area representatives - would form to deal with issues of local, area, regional, state and national significance. Thus, one election every four years provides dedicated representation at all levels. Elections at area levels of 500 voters will make any interference by outside interests extremely visible.


Your biggest challenge will be to stop the public service and current elected office holders from blocking you, and from using government-funded PR to vilify you and your concept.

I had an idea of my own of enabling the public to contribute to public policy-making - at present in the hands of far-from-democratically-representative professional 'policy writers', as you would know - have a look at the NOBIS website at